
It's Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman

by mercury01
Storyline The Queenpin of Crime
Characters mary jane Spider-Woman
Category F/F Corruption
Previous Chapter The Character is from the Marvel Universe

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Marion smiled at her reflection in the sliding door of the elevator as it lifted her to her office. Her face was immaculately made up. It was one of the few concessions she made to her former modeling career, and her femininity. Most, however, noticed her bald, hairless head. It seemed to make her facial fetures more striking, a fact that pleased her. She was not above vanity. Her body was powerful, trained to peak human condition by martial artists like Batroc and Taskmaster. Her perfectly tailored attire only seemed to emphasize her awesome presence.
The chime rang, and the door slid open noislessly, revealing an expansive office, with an aquarium full of rare and exotic fish, plate glass windows, and a massive desk of smooth wood. Marion strode over to the window and carefully unlatched it, leaving it open. The refreshing night air wafted over her smooth scalp. The Queenpin wasn't concerned about voyeurs, eavesdroppers or snipers. She had much in the way of technology and her empire was vast enough that no one would touch her. And she allowed no one to touch her, either, save one...
Marion sat down in her chair, going through some reports while she waited and reminisced.
It had begun soon after her epiphany. Mary Jane had approached Jessica Drew about going into business together. Mary Jane claimed she wanted to begin a detective agency, something Jessica had experience with. The brunette Spider-Woman was reluctant at first to join, but soon agreed. Mary Jane realized that Jessica was discontented with the way her Avengers teammates kept her at arm's length, never fully trusting her.
Their business began as a legitimate one, but Mary Jane quickly found ways to attract the attention of underworld lowlifes. It was almost trivial to get into their good graces, and she began to work her way up the food chain, using the pseudonym "Marion James". Spider-Woman, despite maintaining a still-heroic alter-ego, was easily drawn into the web of corruption that the redhead was cultivating.
Mary Jane found new confidence in her fledgeling criminal empire. Drunk on power, she seduced Jessica one evening, and they went from merely partners to lovers. Eventually, the two of them working together had enough power and influence to topple Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin himself. Marion finally abandoned the "Mary Jane" persona, finding it had no further use, and became Marion James, the Queenpin of Crime. Jessica also suggested that Marion abandon her signature red hair. Rather than dying it, the Queenpin simply got rid of it, shedding the last of her old life.
Marion heard a rustle, and turned to the window. Her face broke out into a smile as she saw the familiar red and yellow costume clinging to the woman perched there. "Hello, Jessica."
Spider-Woman gracefully sprung from the window into Marion's lap. "Hello, Marion," she breathed. "You're looking lovely as always." She drew her lover into a kiss, lips and tongues twirling together in a sensuous slow dance. Jessica's gloved fingers caressed Marion's smooth head as the bald woman's hands slid down to grope her lover's ass.
"What brings you here, Jess? Surely not just a booty call..." She swatted Spider-Woman's pert behind for emphasis.

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