
Meanwhile, Buffy has a prophetic dream of things to come

by buffyvamp
Storyline Bacchus Rising in Sunnydale
Characters Buffy Xena Gabrielle Bacchus
Category Television: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Transformation
Previous Chapter Xena and Gabrielle inform Bacchus of what Chloe has told them, but the weakened God reveals that one of his many Bacchae is one of the Scoobie Gang!

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Buffy found herself immersed in darkness. Despite not immediately remembering what had brought her here, Buffy didn't feel disoriented in the slightest. There was music , a steady rhythm that Buffy found herself swaying to, that felt like it always had been playing. Buffy continued to move slowly to the music, unconcerned with what was happening around her. 
"Awake, my Bacchae!" A booming voice cut through the haze Buffy had found herself in. 
Her surroundings were now in crystal focus, the underground cavern flashing with white light, the abnormally large grapes growing from the vines on the cavern walls. Through all of that Buffy locked her attention on being in the center the chamber, standing in front of the large fountain of blood, was Bacchus, god of wine. As the muscular looking red skinned god outstretched his arms to the followers of his that were assembling, Buffy shook off her slumber and recalled all that had led to this point. She remembered that the fountain was replenished due to her own blood. The particular details escaped her, but she knew she had provided Lord Bacchus with the means to make himself whole again. Watching Bacchus step behind the fountain and taking in His glory, Buffy couldn't imagine now that it would have been by any other way than willingly.
"Awake!" Bacchus' booming laughter filled the cavern halls as nightly actively once again commenced in his lair. 
Buffy watched as several Bacchae glided from their outcropping within the cavern down to the gathering space below. She crept to the edge of the stone, stretching out her hands, causing the cape attached to the opera gloves she wore to waver in the breeze that flowed through the Bacchae cave. Black talons fanned over the assemblage of young women below. 
"You are here to become one of my children," Bacchus said, addressing the group of frightened women. "Immortal Bacchae!" On either side of him was his most loyal Bacchae, Xena and Gabrielle. Gabrielle wore a sinister smile while Xena opened her mouth, softly hissing, displaying her fangs wantonly to the captives. Buffy felt a smile creep on her swollen lips.
"It is time to feed!" Bacchus announced powerfully, sending his Bacchae followers into a near frenzy. They bared their fangs, hissing and inching closer to women, eliciting shrieks of fear. Nude revelers broke their attentions to hiss in communal bloodlust. Buffy opened her stark red lips to bare her own fangs, effortlessly letting a snarl grow in her throat.
"Buffy!" Bacchus suddenly shouted, looking directly into the yellow eyes of the Bacchae perched above them. "My child..." He said with sinister affection, "Come to me!"
The direct connection was almost enough to freeze her senses. Buffy snapped to lock her look with Him as she was overcome with the desire to descend to her Lord and Master, Bacchus! Buffy let out an inhuman shriek and lept from her perch, soaring down to the fountain. Buffy landed effortlessly and stepped into the strobing light of the center of room. Fully illuminated, her hair looking wet and pulled back fixed in place, golden eyes darting around, taking in other Bacchae and the young women to her side, her midriff bare and chalk white breasts were poorly covered by the outfit of their kind, the immortal Bacchae Buffy faced Bacchus before kneeling in reverence. 
"Rise, loyal Bacchae," Bacchus beckoned Buffy stand once more.  
"Your blood led to the foretold empowerment of Lord Bacchus," Xena announced from Bacchus' right drawing cries of feral joy from the assembled Bacchae.
"You are forever honored amongst the Bacchae," Gabrielle adding from the left, the Bacchae once again made their approval known.
Buffy's eyes darted to the Bacchae watching on, their hunger for the assembled captives stayed for a brief moment. In the collected group Buffy recognized faces from before, earlier nights in this cavern even. Her eyes scanned over a red haired Bacchae swaying and flourishing her black lined cape, Willow smiled darkly, Buffy returned the lustful smile as images flashed in her mind of the two of them fucking viciously. There were others, a lithe Bacchae, completely nude and masturbating her petite pussy with her sharp talons Buffy noted to enjoy Dawn when next their paths crossed. Standing next to the front captive was Anya, clutching the girl's arm harshly with her clawed hands.
"You shall forever have the honor of the first feeding," Xena finished. This ritual performed over who could say how many years and how many innocent women Buffy had ripped her fangs into at the end of each ceremony. Everything finally dawned on Buffy and the Bacchae's mind was clear.
"Everything is for your glory, Master," Buffy said dutifully, meaning every word. 
Bacchus gestured from himself to the whimpering woman in the front of all the other captives. Buffy's ever present hunger rose further as she approached the woman, now held in place by Anya and Willow both. Buffy darted in, grabbing the girl as Willow and Anya had released her. Buffy's talons reached up the woman's neck as she meekly tried to pull away. 
"Bite her!" Bacchus affirmed. Buffy wrenched the young woman's head to bare her neck and with an inhuman snarl Buffy sank her fangs deeply into her victim. 
The gathered Bacchae moaned in hunger as Buffy drank eagerly, her yellow eyes wide open and looking to Bacchus fluttering with near orgasmic joy as sinister sensations filled her body and left her pussy dripping with excitement. Bacchus laughed heartily spreading his arms wide as Buffy added another to the ranks of his immortal followers. Buffy continued to drain the girl even as the flow had slowed and the girl's skin was now as white as Buffy's own. She opened newly yellow eyes and sank into the sensations of becoming a Bacchae, moaning and baring growing fangs. Buffy closed her eyes and sucked the last drops she could pull from the now fully moaning Bacchae, near dry Buffy felt her own pussy clench in pleasure racking her with impending release as she broke apart from the girl's neck and roared with orgasm. 
Bacchus' laughter subsided as Buffy came down from her momentary release, she Willow and Anya pulled the new Bacchae away from the center fountain as the next girl was pushed forward and Xena stepped out in front of Bacchus regarding the next girl in front of her with an amused raised eyebrow. Willow and Anya had already began to strip the clothes off of their newest sister, Buffy already feeling her lust begin to return as she slipped an opera glove through the girl's new talons. 
Tomorrow will be another night.
"I'll need actual details from this dream if I'm supposed to help, Buffy," Giles chided the lack of Buffy's forthcoming, "What if it is some type of prophecy, details matter you understand," 
"It was...gross," Buffy responded.
"I...see," Giles took the hint not to press any further, instead walking over to Buffy to show her the open tome in his hands, "Here," He said, pointing to a picture of an ancient Greek wine vessel, "The...red creature here is supposed to be a depiction of Bacchus." Xander had crowded in as well now and pointed to other art on this pottery that more clearly drew his attention.
"Wait, am I seeing sexy times on this mug?" Xander asked deadpan, leaning in to get a closer look.
Giles pulled the book away, "Er, yes... from Bacchus comes the word Bacchanal..." Giles explained to blank stares, before he elaborated, "His followers, the Bacchae were said to be given to all manner of perversions." 
"I kinda like this Bacchus," Xander offered.
"Well don't get too excited, I'm planning on squashing his grapes," Buffy said without a hint of humor.
From behind the Magic Box's counter Willow giggled. Xander looked to her accusingly, "Really, that gets you?"
Willow smiled meekly, "I like puns."
Having been looking at the book Giles once more chimed in. "Xander, you're sure Anya wasn't with you this morning," 
"We're sort of taking a mutual break... except you know, not mutual," Xander continued despite his friend's disapproving looks, "A normal break...she walked out on me,"
Giles ignored Xander's extended denial, "Anya was burrowing a particular mythology book I think would be helpful to this situation," Giles explained, "The Adventures of Xena, Warrior Princess," 
"Well she sounds sufficiently bad ass," Xander quipped.
Giles nodded, "I recall her being the last to battle with Bacchus before the eventual fall of the pantheon,"
"She sounds kind of like a Slayer," Willow offered. 
Buffy didn't look impressed, "I'm in a stop gross dreams and stomp evil mood, can we find this book so I can get to the god bashing?" 
Giles sighed, "Very well-" 

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