
Taking in Mystique's powers let Rogue change her appearance but not her mass.

by Gorel
Storyline Rogue Appetites
Characters Rogue Mystique
Category Marvel Growth WG
Previous Chapter Getting an idea she runs to the cell block to eat Mystique for her shape-shifting powers.

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Typing away at the buttons with her clawed fingers, Rogue sneered when she got the combination wrong, the number pad flashing red before resetting again. She could just as easily reach through the energy barrier to pull Mystique, heck the energy COULD turn off her powers. But then again if she did how long would an 800 pound morbidly obese woman last unassisted? No, she had to eat Mystique, NEEDED to eat Mystique. If she did she’d be able to alter her shape and look normal again. The hunger was a second problem to solve but right now she made her decision and nothing was going to change it.


Looking up at the bloated furry creature licking her chops and leering at her like a prized steak, Mystique pressed herself up against the far wall of her cell, blinking in surprise of the massive blue furred fat woman getting more and more angry trying to solve the lock combo. “Grr, y’all just had to make this tricky for a gal with claws didn’t cha guys.”




Hearing her name, Rogue eyed the woman briefly before losing her patience and brandishing three bony claws out of her knuckles. Stabbing the controls and shutting down the energy barrier, Rogue now had nothing keeping her from gobbling up the leader of the brotherhood of mutants and she was forced to wipe a sliver of drool at the thought of it.


“Rogue what happened to you? What are you doing here? Why… Are you looking at me like that?”


“That miserable little fly gobber Toad went and gave me his powers when he touched me, and… I ATE him!”


Blinking in stunned silence, Mystique could only stand there while Rogue went on. “Then ah gobbled up Gambit, then Emma, then Wolvie and Kitty and… Ah can’t control it anymore, ahm hungry all the time, Ahm HUGE now!” Stomping heavily into the cell Rogue took up the entire door, blocking any chance of escape. “Sooner or later the rest of the gang is gonna find out, but if I had YOUR powers ah could hide of all this!” Grabbing two handfuls of her blue furry gut, Rogue gave her stomach a shake before bringing her attention back to Mystique. “Now come here!”


With her back against the wall Mystique shapeshifted her skin to become spiky and bristled with pins, raising her fists for a fight. “You want some of this? If you think you can just eat me then…” Opening her mouth wide, Rogue shot out her elongated tongue and splatted Mystique’s face, pulling her straight into her open jaws. The rest of the brotherhood panicked at the sight of the obese furry Rogue eating their leader like a frog swallowing a pinecone. Regardless of how sharp or jagged Mystique had made herself, Rogue was determined to swallow her down. When her feet passed Rogue’s lips, Mystique still had some fight left in her, struggling and thrashing in the monster woman’s insides.


“Cut it out in there you.” Huffed Rogue, parking her backside against the wall to steady herself. “If I could take down Wolverine I can take you too!” After a very long minute her ‘meal’ finally settled, leaving the metric ton woman to lean back full and immobile. Ignoring the panicked cries of the rest of the brotherhood in their cells, Rogue waited until her strength was back and then tried to use her latest powers. Looking down at her clawed, furry hand she concentrated and smiled when the blue fur and skin changed into a normal hand, granted one with pudgy fingers but it was a step in the right direction. Hoisting herself up she did the same to the rest of her, changing her body to return to its original complexion. “Ah, that’s better, now for some cloths.” Spreading her arms out her bloated nude frame shifted to include her green and white striped costume, perfectly form fitting on her 1000-pound self.


“And now for the part we’ve all been waiting for…”


Concentrating again she watched with almost manic glee when her massive done of a stomach began to shrink, receding back into herself like a balloon being deflated. Her fattened limbs too began to firm up, the fat just melting away. Slipping to her knees she waited until her changes were complete, a brief second’s worth lasted like a minute to her but it was worth it. Wriggling her dainty fingers and feeling the smooth complexion of her face, Rogue laughed and smiled. She looked normal again. Getting up to her feet her mind already raced on what the next part of her plan was. “OK, finally got my looks back, now to see if ah can get rid of this appetite of OOPH!” Rubbing her head, she looked up to find herself touching the ceiling, looking down she made a horrifying discovery. The whole time she wasn’t shrinking back to normal, she was growing! Keeping her head down Rogue now stood over 20 feet tall, a giantess compared to the stuffed blue furred bear woman that waddled in moments earlier. “WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?!” Willing herself to get smaller she found that when she did she got fatter as a result, her stomach and rear swelling out until she looked twice her weight when she shrank down to 15 feet tall.


“This is hopeless, what ahm I going to do now?”

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