
Oliver's tribe moves on, slowly swelling larger with each passing day.

by Anarchy
Storyline The Flash: Big Time
Characters Green Arrow Huntress
Category M/F Savage
Previous Chapter Helena keeps her wits but as she watches Oliver and Laurel she feels her savage side calling to her

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Had he still had the mentally he’d had only days early Oliver would have found it oddly wonderful to be back in his element. He moved through the trees, sometimes weaving around them and sometimes just smashing through them like they were cardboard, his massive feet slamming and kicking up deep grooves in the earth as he chased after his prey. He felt like he was back on the island in that last year, when he’d been all by himself save for the animals and life had been so much simpler. Eat or be eaten. Hunt or die. Only now the prey stood almost no chance. On the island he had been just a man with only his wits and skills. Now he was something else, something both at once evolved from the man he had been and devolved. Something primal and savage.


But Oliver wasn’t thinking like that anymore. Over the last few days his mind and the will of the savage within him and blended more and more until they couldn’t be separated. While he wasn’t reduced to grunting and growling the norms of his old life didn’t matter and as such he didn’t even consider them. Thea only the night before had looked at him after Laurel and Helena had passed out from the bout of wild sex they’d engaged in and told him of a dream she’d had.


“We were so small,” she had said, her face scrunched up in confusion. “And we were always covering ourselves up. And we couldn’t eat or fuck or sleep when we wanted… we had to… I think they were called ‘jobs’? It was so weird.”


For the briefest of moments he’d considered shaking her and telling her that it wasn’t a dream, that such things had been their lives, but in the end he had merely allowed her to cuddle up next to him and not said a word. It wouldn’t have mattered… he could see it, with every passing moment, that his ladies were forgetting what they had once been, their past lives fading away. At times he too found it hard to remember, as it seemed like this had always been their lives. And rather than be scared about this Oliver was thrilled, delighting in just how free he felt. It might be a day, it might be a week, but soon the last shreds of his time as a simple human would be wiped away and all he would remember was this.


He snorted as he dove down, grabbing the grizzly bear that had been attempting to flee from him and, with one quick snap, broke its spine. He began to backtrack, collecting the other large mammals he’d collected, and made his way to their current camp. His mates were waiting for him, lounging around the (to them) tiny pond, their hands idly running along their big bellies. None of them questioned the fact that months of pregency were happening in mere days… their instincts told them this was correct and with each passing day what tiny shred of concern they might have had ebbed away.


Oliver tossed down his prey before them and the ladies, with speed that should not have been possible for women in their advance condition, dove at them and tore them to shreds, not even bothering to cook them. That was simply a waste of time when you were hungry and wanted to feed the new life growing inside of you. Oliver himself had already consumed a whole dear as he hunted and thus wasn’t hungry for meat.


Well… not in the standard sense.


He didn’t even say a word or wait for permission as he stomped over to Helena and grabbed her by the hips, taking her from behind. Thea and Laurel didn’t bat an eye as he began to fuck their fellow sister-wife; they just kept eating as Oliver stretched Helena with his massive cock, causing her to moan inbetween bites of her meal. The other two ladies knew that soon it would be their turn and they couldn’t want to prove to Oliver that he was right to keep them around and provide for them

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