
The alphas declare how things are going to be from now on!

by Anarchy
Storyline Gargoyles: Big Stones
Previous Chapter As she is feeding Fox Demona begins to lay her eggs

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Once the wondrous afterglow of their egglaying faded away Elisa, Angela, and Demona moved to stand before the clan, towering over all of them. The children looked at them, curious, while the elder males shoved aside the sudden need to mate with the once again fertile females. The three alphas looked over their clan and shared smiles with each other, loving the feeling of power that came from being the center of attention.


“A new day has dawned,” Elisa said, taking the lead. “We’ve all changed… no longer cursed to become stone during the day, our bodies remade stronger, a world of possibilities has opened up for us. It is time though to put aside the past, both what happened before the Great Sleep and what we were only days before.” Demona nodded. “What matters is the Clan. We have allowed so many things to get in the way of what needs to be done. Petty desires and past hurts and outdated honor that no longer works for the age we live in and the circumstances we find ourselves in.” The males murmured at that but Angela stood up tall and proud, address them before they could even think of questioning the alphas. “The Clan has changed! With Elisa transformed into the being she should have always been and my mother forgiven for her sins we can now lead our Clan as it should have always been: by the law of the Alpha Females!”


Elisa smirked. “We can not hope to change this world while our clan remains small. We must make it grow, strength it, so that only then can we truly our true position on this planet.”

Demona, Elisa, and Angela shared a secret smile as the elder males murmured to themselves. The three, during their destruction of the castle, had come to a decision. They knew that Goliath and the rest believed they spoke of protecting humans but the alphas merely let them believe that. No, the three females now had but a single loyalty: the Clan. The rest of the world would fall into one of three categories: those that were enemies to be slaughtered, those that were no better than cattle, and those chosen few who would join Fox in helping expand their ranks. The three females knew there would be pushback but also knew that, as time went on and Goliath and the rest became more used to this new way they would grow to trust the alphas… and someday soon forget everything about protecting the humans and the honor of old.

All that mattered was the Clan.

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