
Follow Emma.

by Fanfic Fetishist
Storyline Battle of the Blondes
Characters Emma Frost X-Men
Category Marvel Mind Control
Previous Chapter The Pervert's Challenge

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((Author's Note: For purposes of the Emma storyline, both M-Day and the Purifiers' attack never happened, resulting in a more full campus.))

Emma reappeared in her office, back in her clothes, cursing inwardly. She could feel the Pervert's changes taking effect in her, feeling herself start to get aroused just from the touch of her regal outfit. She stood up and paced, trying to think of a way to go about this and avoid being turned into the Pervert's eternal pleasure slave. A year of forced sluttiness by comparison just didn't measure up to losing her freedom.

DAMN she needed a fuck. It was so hard to think...

She looked out over the grounds, at all her students as they went about their daily lives. She felt a pang of regret for Wither, who had fled the Institute and turned traitor, but she mostly was worried for her students. All those young, beautiful, nubile...

Emma found herself licking her lips, getting even wetter. Part of her was horrified at what she was thinking. But even as she thought it, she began to justify it in her mind.

I need to do this anyway, right? And what better way to be slutty than by fucking every student on campus? she thought. She felt a strange sense of approval in her mind, and nodded, starting to formulate a plan. Yes... Yes, I can do this. Pervert's bound to like this, especially since some of the students are so young. Just a little mental tweaking here and there, and I can have them begging for my body...

A fearful thought occurred to her. But Scott and the others... She giggled madly, her old supervillain persona rising again. Bah. I'll brainwash them into thinking that me molesting and fucking the entire campus is perfectly normal. She began masturbating, unbuttoning her pants and opening her dress shirt, moaning in delight at her idea. I'll even make them all think nothing of just casually using a student for sex whether they're willing or not!

And as Emma Frost formulated her plan to turn the school into her Brothel, the Pervert watched on in approval. So far, Emma was proving to be ahead of the others in proving her sluttiness. The Enchantress was in a close second, formulating a plan to brainwash all of Asgard into thinking that she was a sex toy, meant to be passed around like a party favor. She had already made plans to attend a party being held by Sif and the Warriors Three, and having all four use her as a toy. If it worked, she'd spread her enchantment over all of Asgard. Surely Thor wouldn't stop a plan involving debasing herself and actively serve(icing) all of their home, wouldn't he?

And even as he watched, the Pervert saw Susan Richards raiding one of her husband's labs, looking for an artifact. A note was taped on the door, writing on it saying, “For whatever happens over the next year, I am so very, very sorry.” He had no idea what she was looking for, but if she was raiding the lab of someone as brilliant as her husband, it had to be something to help her get away with her infidelity.

The Pervert loved this. He could feel the growing desperation in the women to prove that they were the sluttiest. He had high hopes for the superhumans and costumed adventures, and so far, as he watched, they seemed to be doing the best. He could easily content himself with a harem of mundane blondes, if only because watching these women work was so much fun!

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