
Back in Latveria, Black Widow finds herself in a tight spot

Storyline Changing the Scene
Previous Chapter Decisions in Apokolips.

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Yelena made her way with difficult among the crowd of technicians and soldiers that crowded the lab. At the bottom of the place, the blonde super spy could see a devastated Dr Richards, crying by the dead of his son at the hands of Black Cat, cursing with rage the motionless body of the athletic woman. Then, her eyes fell over the voluptuous body of Felicia and the medical assistance.  The personal bodyguard of General Lane was in coma.

"You are not required here, Rooskaya...Get out of here....".-Somehow told her with scorn, pushing her abruptly. 

The Russian agent ignored him. Though on their side, despite of her intelligence tasks on Tokyo and Bangkok, Yelena Belova, the Black Widow, wasn´t welcome among them. Dressed in a black, clingy attire that outlined her peak athletic condition and feminine attributes, Yelena made her way to the corpse of Franklin, removing the sheet that covered him, ignoring the protest of the crowd around her.

"It is enough, Belova. Get out of here...".-Roared General Lane behind her. 

Obviously, he hadn´t forgotten how easily she had hacked the NATO protocols a few years ago...before the ultimate war. 

The blonde Widow stared him inexpressively, and, without a word, Yelena left the lab. The Russian spy, the secret agent of Dr Doom in The Nest, his joker under his sleeve, had seen enough.  

 Thanks to her special training, Yelena realized that all the scene of the lab was a fraud, a set up, an attempt to accuse miss Hardy to be an assasin.  An she knew that because she would have made the same if her former employers had commanded her...The crime wore the sign of a Black Widow. So, as she hadn´t killed Franklin and hurt severely Black Cat, it means that there was another Widow on the site.-"Natasha...".-Muttered Yelena.

During years, both Russian super spies had contested by the title of Black Widow but Natasha had always prevailed. Even, her antagonist had supplanted her identity during a while. So, it could say that Natasha and Yelena were copies; their combat and infiltration techniques were the same....

"So, this is only a part of your job...".-Thought Yelena, thinking about what she would do next...if she was Natasha. A minute later, an smile appeared on her, usually, inexpressive beauty face. There were only a few places that Natasha could be. The athletic spy run to the first of them. If she was right, she had no time to lose.


Blood. The word that had arisen of the throat of She Hulk, still floating on the room. None of them seemed to understand the meaning of it. The muscular body of the emerald titaness shivered when she tried to speak again in a desperate attempt to be understood. But the effort seemed too much for the powerful avenger. Finally, Jennifer could say a bit more. "Mmmmm....my...b...blood...".-Whispered She Hulk. 

Suddenly, Jason understood...and agreed. "Miss Walters is talking about a blood transfusion..."

"What?....are you crazy?...No...no way. Both of you are crazy!!!!".-Yelled Artemis.-"You don´t know if it will work!!! Or the effect of the gamma radiation on her!!! It can kill her!!!!".-Annotated the amazon. 

"She is already death....It is a matter of time. And Diana knows that. Besides, it will be her decision, not yours Artemis. Sorry.".-Said Fire, which had been quiet during the arguing. 

"Jennifer...Jennifer is right, my loyal friend. I...I am dying. I...I won´t survive a travel to Gotham...and...and the only chance for me is that the same...effects that created her....helped me to heal my...my internal injuries. I..I don´t mind if I become in a...in a green giant...I...I will be alive to fight...to avenge all our sisters, all the fallen by the hand of Darkseid.".-Said the princess of Themiscira with great effort. Then, another wave of dizziness and bloody coughs send her to her knees again. 

"Well. Right.".-Said Artemis, looking at them with rage on her eyes.-"Let´s do it...."


During a day, at least under his temporal perception, Mr Freeze had been trapped in the space-time distortion that sent him one time and another to the same kitchen, hearing the pleas of help of the invisible Scarlet Witch. Finally, Dr Fries understood what was happening and, a few hours later, his mind had been able to develop a theory...and a plot to escape of that temporal prison. 

He would try to destabilize the Ouroboros field (as he had called it), piercing the space component. Then, creating a local environment around him a zero Kelvin degrees, Victor Fries hoped to be absorbed to the main time-line...or by the currents of the anomaly...or to oblivion. That was the weak point of his theory. Somehow, it was better that being trapped in that infamous kitchen during the eternity.

So, once he modified his guns and armor to her plot, Victor made his way into the large, cold storeroom of the place. Closing the door behind him, Victor shot his modified Ice Gun against the opposite wall, becoming it in a fragile, large ice cube close to zero Kelvin. 

Then he punched the crystalline structure, breaking it in a thin fog of ice. His cold eyes wide opened in surprise when he saw what there was beyond the breach he had made. Somehow, keeping cold, Dr Freeze started the second part of his plot, hoping that it led him, at least, to anywhere...


"Well, ladies and gentlemen.".-Said Dr Stone.-"We are here to the first on-live demonstration of the chronosphere. As all of you know, I have been able to generate into magnetic spheres, a taquion current. Using a series of filed filters, we will be able to develop not only a murderous gun against our adversaries, but also create portals to transport our troops to another side of the planet in seconds,  or 'extract' our cities of the continuum space-time, becoming them in invisble and invulnerable and...."

"...and enough, Dr Stone. We want a demostration of the chronosphere as weapon...as you promised.".-Said ominously Drake. Dr Stone nodded. "Please, Victor, my son. Show Mr Drake the potential of our investigations.". 

At the other side of the lab, Cyborg triggered a few switches and a reinforced adamantium cage, with a dozen of para demons on it, arisen in the middle of the place.  With a evil smile on his lips, Victor aimed his gun to the cage and, without a word, an ochre beam of energy surged of his cyber arm. A second later, the adamantium cage, amazingly, began to rust in front of their astonished eyes, while the para demons screeched in panic. A second later, the Kalibak monsters began to age. In a blink of an eye, they had become in dusty mummies while the cage began to collapse also in dust.

"We have also a deployable projector, ready to be installed on a vehicle or..."..Said Dr Stone.-"When we got the notes of Dr Richards about the Disphormity Ray, AIM will be invincible."


Yelena arrived to the first possible target, the crypto servers of the Nest. A pair of well-armed, armored guards were vigilant on the door. "I have no time to argue with you two, guys".-Thought Yelena. The blonde Widow walked to it, trying to be at the shoot distance of her hypno-stings. Somehow, something on the aspect of the guards alerted her. 

Yelena smiled. Someone, Natasha she bet, had already used hypno-stings against them...maybe, even she had programmed them a bit. With such a knowledge, Yelena rushed to them, silence as a leopard. Too late, the guards, whose eyes were blurred by the effect of the drug, tried to shot her.  In vain. The blonde super spy was over them yet, hitting their chins with a pair of perfect picture roundhouse kicks, that sent them cold to the ground, unconscious. Then, using the id card of one guard, Yelena made her way into the server room.  

Almost immediately, the blonde super spy realized that something was wrong. Falling over a screen, a male technician lied as dead. Cautiously, Yelena approached to him to verify if he was dead or unconscious. No one her fingers touched his jugular, the 'corpse' returned to life, launching his hand to the  neck of the spy, trying to grab her throat.  Somehow, Yelena, moving with the same celerity, blocked his arm with her own forearm and, immediately, Yelena counterattacked him, launching her other hand in a massive punch to his nape. But the man moved with the same celerity, leaving the chair with a agile tumble.

 Yelena smiled.-"I like your new look Natasha.". 

"Thanks darling.".-Said Natasha, turning off her cloaking device.-"But, unfortunately for you, it is the last thing you will say on your live."

"We shall see, Natasha. Tonight, I will reclaim the title of  Black Widow.".-Replied Yelena, conscious that it was the battle of, and for, her life.

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