
The four feel anxious, drained... Like they need energy.

by Gorel
Storyline Fantastic Four: Growing Pains
Characters Fantastic Four
Category Marvel Transformation Muscle Growth
Previous Chapter A curious package...

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Moments passed for the Fantastic Four, still trying to get used to their new forms despite the anxiety coursing through them. Everything still felt sore, the transformation was so intense it made their skins feel raw.


Checking himself over Reed rolled his shoulders to check if anything else had been changed, his four hands required a little bit of coordination but had quickly gotten the hand of it. Looking behind him his tail was just as much a new experience, it wasn’t very flexible but it did help keep his balance now that his feet were like chicken’s claws. Checking his heart rate and breathing he surprised himself when his clawed hands actually cut the fabric of his cloths, and yet his skin underneath was undamaged. “Fascinating…”


“Fascinating? Reed that old ‘colleague’ of your just turned us into freaks!” Clutching her head and looking at the brink of tears Susan felt dizzy, her head ached. “And he’s going to use us to kill off mutants.” Turning around the Invisible woman hugged herself with all four of her arms, her heavy tail knocking over a lamp in the process and embarrassing her more from the act.


“Hey I can handle having skin again but this is too much…” The thing looked down at his bare chest and found that his orange rocky exterior had returned to flesh and blood yet still retained his orange complexion, some spots even looked cracked but when he tracked a clawed finger over them they appeared superficial. One thing that got his attention was the bulge that tented his blue shorts, but he kept his mouth shut over that.


“Does anyone else feel that?” Asked Johnny getting to his feet and using one of his lower arms to steady himself while his upper hands clutched his head. “Feels like when I get back from a wicked party, my head is killing me.” Looking to each other they all shared the same look, they seemed tired, drained like they had been awake for days. Deep inside their bodies ached, almost like a stomach ache from not eating… But all over!


Stepping forward to get some air Johnny heard a crunch when his foot crushed the lamp Susan had knocked over, looking down he saw the spark of electricity spit from the shattered bulb and gasped when 60 watts of current suddenly flowed up his leg. But instead of pain it felt refreshing, breathing through his nostrils Johnny felt the rush of energy fill him until he moved his foot away. When he did the rush stopped but the aches and pain stopped. “Wow! What a rush.” Bending down he picked up the ruined socket and handed it to the others, minor sparks still spat from the broken bulb yet Johnny didn’t care. “You guys have got to try this.”


Gingerly reaching for the sparking electricity one by one the other three took hold and fed off of the electrical discharge, gasping and sighing like they had just finished a filling meal or came back from a massage. When they pulled away the pain was gone.


“That… That was a side effect of the change, Dr. Landom became a walking storage battery, he NEEDED energy to survive.” Finally thinking clearly Reed looked to the lamp and back at himself, did he look more muscular? He certainly felt better, like he had gone out for a jog but didn’t feel tired.


“Hey what happens if I take it from the source?” Tracing the cord to the socket in the wall Johnny stuck his clawed fingers into the plug. When the lights flickered the others worried, especially when the Human Torch actually growled. Watching on they witness the lanky creature swell larger, his muscles expanding like balloons. Reed stepped in and pulled him away from the ruined socket, getting a charge himself in the process and growing until his arms and shoulders gained definition. “Yaaaargh! Why’d you stop me?!”


“Johnny look at yourself!” Blinking back at his sister the Human Torch looked down to find he had grown significantly, his four arms and two legs had become solid and built. His tail had grown larger, fuller like that of a dinosaur. His chest was now broad and his abs had instantly developed into a six pack, lower down he winced at the massive bulge tenting at his pants. When did that happen?


 When the rush had finally let down Johnny realised how much he had bulked up and blinked in shock. He was almost as big as Ben!


“Reed, how big did Dr. Landom get when he was like this?”


Looking down at his firm washboard stomach and broad chest Reed worried. “Like Ben said Suzie, he went King Kong on the city…”

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