
Drag King

by ruleradvent
Storyline Susan Storm's Secret Life
Previous Chapter Susan is alone in the Baxter Building

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It all began as little more than a dare...but she tried it...and liked it...with this she could be the ultimate, perfect Drag King...In a few moments, it was done, dressed in a business suit, a short haired...Short haired....soft features with no makeup...and a square jaw....Simon Made his way along, to her place of work..."Simon" was one of the ace editors writers on THE PULSE at the Daily Bugle headquarters working directly under J Jonah Jameson.  At present writing on the future of the FF. 

   Her only worry was Peter Parker.  He seemed to be sensing something about her....She ignored that...there were things she had to do to keep up her image of a very definetly straight male...


But there was another side to what was happening...

Doom had been far calmer and easier...he was at work on something...he had regained control of Latveria and removed all traces of what the Four of them had done...he had regained all his power, was at work...and had seemed to be eager to keep friendly relations all round...Reed had expected something but not a simple call telling him he could afford to take things slowly as his argument with Reed was over...and by and large his problem with the FF was over...they were no longer a problem...

"Er...could you explain Victor?" Reed asled

"Simple....Hows life treating you"

Reed Richards suddenly lurched back...his head lolled back....eyes widened and instantly his features changed his body shape altered...."I did have you once at my mercy Richards...you think I would just let you walk away...?"

Reeds head came forwared...eyes widened and closed....then opened...but the person was changed...a tall firm brunette with long hair in a high fashion upstyle was sitting there(Think a darker haired Jennifer Lopez)....there was no confusion in her voice...it was calm...supplicant....submissive..."Yes, My husband...?"

"Nothing my dear...just calling to see" "All is well here, Victor...Susan suspects nothing about us"

"That is wonderful...now I have some things..."


Simon sat at his terminal and began writing the opening to the editorial on the Fantastic Four...By now he had been fairly accepted by the people here....it felt good...


"IT is done...Husband" She said "The entire base is replaced by Doomtech systems" "Excellent...and I have..." "You will have total control Victor...I wish we didn't have to keep this secret....I long to be with you again"

"That will have to wait....has Reed been..." "He is unaware of me too...how soon..." "Soon Reva, I will have perfected the Purge system, and you will be Reva totally and permenantly....in mind and body" "I cannot wait...."


Simon turned round then looked

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