
Logan/Lola tries to resist the urge he feels to submit to Jubilee.

by Anzaleth
Storyline X-Trailer
Characters Jubilee Wolverine X-Men
Category Gender Switch Marvel Mind Control
Previous Chapter Emma satisfies her hunger

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Jubilee zipped up her pants as she returned from the bathroom.

"Hey, Lola, d'you want to--"

The trailer was empty and the front door was open.

"Shit," Jubilee muttered. "Lola!"


Lola hurried through the park, moving carefully from one trailer to another.

Jubilee didn't believe her! She thought Lola was just some little girl, one who needed to be held in Jubilee's big strong arms....

Lola vigorously shook her head. No, she couldn't think like that! She was Wolverine! A tough male superhero!

She needed to figure out how to get things back to normal!

She needed to find someone who would believe her! Lola sniffed the air, catching a scent. Maybe that was someone she could try....

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