
...that they are slabs of overdeveloped muscle

by Anzaleth
Storyline Typical Marvel Superheroine....
Characters Invisible Woman
Category Marvel Transformation
Previous Chapter Typical Marvel Superheroine....

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"Mhhh!" Susan Richards murmured as she stretched in bed. "Time to start the day!"

She felt weird... good but weird. Powerful.

She flew over to her mirror and stared at the figure that stared back at her.

She had grown big in her sleep, really big. Where there used to be a svelte woman was now a thick goliath with slabs of overdeveloped muscle, She looked like a large weight-lifter who abused steroids, and her face.... Her blonde hair was cut short and her face was thicker, tougher. Rather sluggish.

The Invisible Woman stroked her face. It felt nice.

All over the world, superheroines were waking-up to discover the changes. To discover the powerful muscle golems they'd become.

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