
Ivy just lays there and allows Bruce to do whatever it is that he has in mind.

by Solarsearcher
Storyline Ivy's Indoctrinated Ingenues
Previous Chapter Ivy manages to throw some of the pheromone dust in Bruce's face, temporarily blinding him.

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Both of them shook their heads. For Bruce, it was probably to clear his mind of whatever effects the pheromones had done to him. For Poison Ivy, it was a gesture of both disgust and apathy. What was the point of resisting? She'd rather just go to jail and rot there; at least there she could just let herself starve and kill the baby.

Poison Ivy was not an animal like the humans of the earth. The few times she would ever resort to using such barbaric methods of sex would only be to bring herself the tools necessary that she could not get otherwise. And, well... in a rare instance, like how she had killed Robin, for amusement. But normally for the first reason.

Here, she found that it didn't matter to her if she got out of this. All she wanted was to get rid of the baby. She wasn't going to use "medicine" to get rid of it. Best to just let it die inside of her so that when it came out, it would always be a reminder to her of how she could never put herself in such a position again. How she would never underestimate the stupidity of mankind.

Bruce appeared to finally be ridding himself of the cobwebs, as his eyes- slits for now- we're opening and blinking rapidly. There was water dripping from his left eye. Was it from grief or the dust?

Ivy watched him expectantly, waiting for the billionaire to finally come to his senses and do what he does best. She wouldn't reveal his identity to the others at Arkham. What would be the point? She hated all humans equally (well, Robin was the human she hated most right now) and creating gossip was not an activity she found enjoyable.

His eyes cleared at long last and they opened to face her. They widened once before sharpening to one of those glares that only one person in the world could give. Yep. This was definitely the Batman.

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