
Diana decides she wants to spread her love to the rest of the League and she leaves the Amazons behind.

by Gorel
Storyline Wonder Woman: What's a Sergal?!
Characters Wonder Woman
Category DC WG Pregnancy
Previous Chapter Later that evening, Circe pleads to become a Sergal herself and love Diana forever.

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Standing up to her full height Diana looked down at the solid lump at her naval, her clawed fingers tracing over the surface to find it both firm and unyielding. She was pregnant! The thought continued to roll around in her head even when the rest of the Sergals she changed approached, reacting to the roar she bellowed out.

Those around her cheered out congratulations, with Mari and Zatanna leaning close to check for themselves.

With her eyes alight and tail wagging Wonder Woman snapped her neck around to stare straight at Batman, her smile almost manic when she grabbed him by the shoulders and starting kissing him deeply. When she pulled away she pressed his claw at her belly, still staring deeply into his eyes with a smouldering look. "This is OURS Bruce, yours and mine!" Dozens of questions rolled through her mind. How quickly will she grow? Will it be a girl or boy? Would she have twins? What would the others think?"

Almost pushing Batman away Diana’s attention went to the invisible jet still standing in front of the palace. "I have to show the others!" With speed that still belied her size Wonder Woman stomped towards the vehicle and squeezed herself into the cockpit, the others too late to stop or dissuade her when the engines came to life. Setting off into the air Diana’s smile never left her muzzled face, she could barely contain her joy.


Hours later the invisible jet landed in the bay of the Watch tower, the rest of the League waiting by after Wonder Woman contacted them with ‘great news’. As soon as the jet landed and the under door opened Green Arrow and Black Canary stepped forward to greet the princess when she stormed out of the jet, the thing actually buckling from her motion when she lunged forward and lifted Dinah into a bear hug, nuzzling the woman affectionately before dropping her on her feet to do the same to Oliver. "I have such great news my friends, I am with child!" Licking Green Arrow’s face Diana finally let him go to get her bearings, seeing most of the bay fairly empty. "Where are the others? They should know too."

Still shaken from the hug and helping Oliver back on his feet Black Canary rubbed at a spot on her side, surprised that Diana’s news claws were sharp enough to cut through. "I-It’s wonderful to see you again Diana and… Yeah, that’s fantastic news." Picking up her husband she noticed the same scratches on his arm. "It’s around 12, I think everyone’s in the cafeteria having lunch righ-"

"FOOD? Excellent! The flight has left me STARVING, I shall join them." Diana then turned to the exit and stormed out of the hanger bay, practically running on all fours towards the lounge where the rest of her friends waited. Her hunger had increased in the last hour alone, she felt ravenous, but her friends had to know the joyous news. Barging through the doors of the cafeteria and almost knocking them off their hinges the League looked up and gasped at the eight foot tall Sergal woman eyeing the serving table and lunging towards it. From there everyone just sat and watched while Wonder Woman devoured everything she could get her hands on. Sliced sandwiches were downed instantly while larger items were bitten and torn through with her sharp teeth. The roasted chicken was pried off its spit and bitten in half like a shish kabob and the tray of tomato soup was lifted off its hot plate and guzzled down like it was a drink. The only time she stopped was when she gently lifted a napkin from the counter and dabbed her stained lips, then swiftly going right back to eating what she could.

Everyone in the hall stood in shock, not only by Wonder Woman’s appetite but by how her furry stomach seemed to inflate with every bite she took, it almost looked like she was pregnant to the Justice League. "Diana, what the hell is going on?" Moving close to put his hand over her shoulder Hawkman tried to gain the Sergal goddess’s attention, giving her a light shake before she snapped around like an owl and nipped his finger. "Hmm? Oh Carter, wonderful news I am with Bruce’s child AND we have captured Circe at last!"

Wringing his hand Hawkman nodded, still surprised at the amount she ate until she finally stopped, the buffet looking like a car had crashed into it. Moving away from the buffet Diana’s stomach had become more rounded and pronounced, her breasts lifted by it like a shelf and appeared almost swollen. Finally sated but still excited to tell everyone Diana stomped towards Huntress and the Flash, gently gripping their hands and pressing them towards her stomach. "Uhm… Wow, that’s amazing." Looking to Wally the two didn’t know what to say, the idea that Diana was pregnant was an afterthought since they haven’t seen the woman since yesterday… Especially NOW that she was a giant furry creature big enough to rival a rhinoceros!

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