
[Mephisto] The two Succubi stop to drop off Sister Julia at Reed's lab before heading to the penthouse

by ESchorcho
Storyline Susan Storm's Secret Life
Characters She-Hulk Wasp Mister Fantastic
Category Marvel Corruption Transformation
Previous Chapter [Mephisto] The Wasp only grows weaker

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The Baxter Building's elevator stopped a few floors below the penthouse.  The levels had been completely refitted by Reed Richards himself, now a hopelessly devoted slave to the new Fantastic Four.  The endless guilt over what had happened to Sue, along with his heinous act in relation to the prison, as well as the constant combination of sexual pleasure and torment provided by the demonic Alicia Masters had broken him in a way.  He was still the world's foremost intellect, but that intelligence had been reshaped in a way to serve the corrupted Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Thing, She-Hulk and Wasp.

She-Hulk wheeled The Wasp out, with Sister Julia slung over her shoulder.  The door to the lab opened and they were instantly met by Reed.  He looked as if he had been through hell and back, and in more ways than one, he literally had been.  The man who once had once playfully been called 'Stretch' by his one-time best friend, Ben Grimm, could literally be called that now.  He did look like he had literally been stretched.  His already tall, slim frame had lost considerable weight and he had bags under his eyes and wrinkles on his face where there had't been before.  This gaunt appearance made him look far more sinister than he had ever looked in the past.  The white lab coat and small, round glasses perched on the bridge of his nose also helped in this newly bizarre, almost mad scientist quality he had about him.

"Mistresses," Reed spoke, focusing entirely on the unsuspecting, passed-out nun over Jennifer's Walter's shoulder.  There was a devilish glint in his brown eyes, "How may I be of assistance?"

"Another poor, unfortunate soul to test Mistress Sue's video on," She-Hulk announced in a domineering tone, as she handed Sister Julia over to Reed.  The warped scientist cradled the woman in his still strong arms, despite his weathered appearance.

"She will join the others...Mistress," Reed spoke, timidly, before looking at both Jennifer and Janet.  He jumped slightly at Janet's own shockingly-aged appearance, before giving a quick panicked smile and bowing slightly, before turning back to his lab.

"Oh, and Reed," She-Hulk said, her voice pierced his very soul and caused the former Fantastic Four leader to stop dead in his tracks and turn his attention back to the green-skinned beauty before him.  She slowly sauntered over to him, and played with the starch-white collar of his lab coat, "Sister Julia here has become quite dear to me in such a short time.  She is a Nun, a Sister who has given herself willingly to the Christian God.  I want her corruption to be special."

"What do you have in mind?" Reed asked, as She-Hulk's face morphed into its true demonic look.  She glared down at him with her glittering golden eyes.

"Put Sister Julia aside and have her observe others watching Mistress' video.  Have her watch them succumb to the absolute evil and perverse wickedness that will fill their souls.  But never have her watch it herself until I am there to tempt her.  To tease her.  To woo her to our side until she is practically begging to become one of us!" She-Hulk murmured, running a now-taloned hand slowly over her own huge tits, the leather dress stretching over the large orbs.  Her painfully erect nipples could be obviously seen poking out through the shiny material.

"It will be done, Mistress.  I will modify the way the subjects are viewing the video to make it so she never sees it," Reed submissively spoke, "Only others reactions to it."

"Sister Julia showed real spirit back at the church.  The complete and utter purity wafting off her was...intoxicating," She-Hulk purred, closing her eyes for a moment and rolling her head back in pure pleasure, before bringing herself back to the present.  She then peered back at Reed, her tone and look that of serious menace, "Breaking her faith will be a challenge, but she will fall and it will be glorious."

She took some time to let that point sink into the poor, frightened man before continuing, "In fact, Reed....I want to witness that moment first hand.  So keep the last shred of her mind intact for me.  Is that clear?"

Reed looked up at the emerald demoness before him, a smile trying to force its way on his worried face.  He fully understood the lingering threat in the corrupted lawyer and heroine's last sentence, and at the same time, his brilliant mind started to come up with all the depraved possibilities and techniques that could be used to turn Sister Julia away from the light.  He then caught himself, and looked back at She-Hulk and said in a trembling voice, "Yes, Mistress."

"Enough of this!" Janet Van Dyne snapped in her raspy voice from the wheelchair, finally breaking her silence, "I need to get to the penthouse now."

She-Hulk glared at Reed, looking for any look of disgust or pity on his face for the weakened Wasp, but there was none.  An arrogant smile spread over Jennifer's plump, shiny lips and she turned back to Janet to wheel her back into the elevator.  As the elevator closed, they could see Reed turn and hurriedly take Sister Julia into his lab through a clear glass wall.  They had made sure to have glass walls and cameras everywhere in Reed's new laboratories so they could always see his nefarious experiments, in the small chance the pathetic worm thought he could come up with something that would set him free from the new Fantastic Four's dominant rule over him.

"So, will the nun be your new plaything, my sister?" Janet asked, her voice sounding almost as fatigued as she looked.

"We'll see how she turns out I suppose," Jennifer replied, shifting from her demonic visage, "The courage and devout faith she showed just by standing in our way was nothing if not impressive for one so young... Imagine it!  To corrupt such a specimen!  A young beauty who chose to be devout in this day and age.  Imagine corrupting a real life 'angel' into a debauched, wicked harlot.  Mmmmmm...I'm getting wet just thinking about it."

Wicked smiles spread over both women's faces as the elevator dinged their arrival at the penthouse of the Baxter Building.  They couldn't wait to see what had become of the group of college students under the evil Johnny Storm's supervision.

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