
Quicksilver to the rescue

by DoctorMoreau
Storyline Wicked Witch Tome
Characters Dr. Strange Quicksilver Scarlet Witch
Category Corruption Corruption Mind Control Transformation
Previous Chapter Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, is just too tempting a target.

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"Wanda?" Pietro had been walking the halls when he thought he heard something from his sister's room.  Ever vigilant, he bursts in to the room within seconds and graded and tossed Clea away from his sister.  However,  some of the tainted milk had already entered his sister's mouth.  Unable to move she could feel the vile substance slipping down her throat.

Mistress Strange reached out her hand and suddenly Quicksilver was also frozen in place.  She smirked as the speedster found himself now at his weakest point.  No longer in motion.

Cleo stood up, rubbing her lip he'd busted, black blood dripped from blackened lips.  "That hurt... She said angrily.   Since her rebirth she was clearly not as well mannered as her more collected sister.

"Oh, I'm going to turn you in to something slow and nasty, like a slug," Clea said as she pulled her sleeves up.

"Hold, sister." Mistress Strange said as she smirked, approaching Pietro.  Clea reluctantly paused, sneering as she did.

As Mistress Strange approached she got next to Pietro, he could smell her fetid breath and see the black tongue in her mouth.  "We are presented with several opportunities here.  We should consider them.

"You are too late anyway, Quicksilver, something you don't often hear.  I suspect."  She glanced at the helpless Wanda who had started sprouting horns, large and black from the top of her head, reminiscent of her own head piece or that of the Disney character, Maleficent.

"My sister is over eager, her milk makes demons, not witches, still, it could lead to an interesting mix.  It's almost regal in the right light," Strange cackled as Wanda looked up helplessly.

Strange sniffed the air, and smirked, “She’s wet too, I can smell it, despite herself.”  

Dark tendrils came from Strange’s hand and snaked in to Pietro’s ear.  Suddenly he could feel his manhood growing hard, and he could also tell his sister was wet… willing… no he must not.

“I could fill you with more incestious lust, and your sister with hatred, trust me… once you’ve had your way with her she would willingly unleash the dark magic found in here on you,” Strange tapped the black leather book. 

“I could let Clea have her way with you, she wants to make you into a slug-demon, slimy and slave to her.” Clea grinned through her own rotten teeth at the idea.  “I suspect making your sister our sister will be no problem, anyway.  Wanda has proven to be so easily corruptible.  It’s lucky we got here before some other villain did it instead.”

“Or perhaps we let my sister finish what she started, make her a demon, it would be interesting to see what she might do with her powers then, and we make you our new coven sister.  The book has… limitations but I’m fully capable of making you… female and compatible with it’s edicts.  I am after all, the Sorcerer, or is that Sorceress Supreme.”  Quicksilver’s eyes went wide when he realized who the two of them were.  That was why this one had called her sister ‘Clea’.

"What to do with you hrm, Pietro?” she said whispered in to his ear, making Quicksilver gag a little.

“Do your worst… you bitch,” he said in response.  

“Hah, witch, not bitch, Pietro.” Strange looked back at Cleo who was grinning in excitement.  “Well, let’s decide.”

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