
Ice reeeealllllyyy needs Guy Gardner's cock

by Sailor Mercury
Storyline The Pink Lanturn Corps.
Previous Chapter Lois lures Supes into a trap.

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Lois hung up the phone after telling Clark where to meet her at "There, my mistresses. He should be arriving soon." Lois said.

"Very good." Fire said. "Now how about, getting ready for his arrival."

"Hmmmm, I just got an idea!" Ice said. "How about we call OUR boyfriends as well, they would make great slaves too."

"That sounds like a good idea!"

"I can't wait to have Guy fuck me!" Ice said.

"I would love to enslave my boyfriend, Booster Gold." Fire cooed.

"Ah, damn it!" Harley Quinn said. "Ever since everyone brokes out a Arkham, I haven't been able to find Mr. J anywhere."

While escaping Joker had told her, that he was heading to Metropolis. Harley got on her motercycle and got to Metropolis, then remembered something.

"Ah shit! Mr. J didn't tells me where in Metropolis he was going!" she said to herself angry. "Looks like i'll just haves to look around. But, I have time!" She said laughing to herself. "Bats is to busy trying to find where in Gothem all us escapees are hiding, but HA, jokes on him, me and Mr. J are no were NEAR Gotham!"

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