
What happened to the other 5 gems from Spider-Gwen's world?

by aspiringactor
Storyline Infinity Gem Madness!
Previous Chapter Black Cat uses the 2nd Mind Gem!

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“Where are the rest!” Felicia screamed at the top of her lungs, searching desperately for the other Gems. She looked so hard, that her concentration began to slip.


CRACK! Peter hit her on the back of the head knocking her unconscious as he grabbed Gwen’s arm.


“What the hell was that?” Gwen asked as they ran.


“Telepathic resistance training,” Peter replied swiftly as he noted that he had three of the Gems still in his hand. They had no time to look for the other, nor take the mind Gem away from the Black Cat. “After all that I’ve been through recently, I thought it was a good idea. Turns out it paid off,” he said as the two of them raced towards the one safe place he could think of: The Baxter Building.


“Insect!” Felicia roared as she came too, lashing out with the powers of the mind Gem, looking for her prey. However, there where Millions of people in New York City, and she was no Charles Xavier. “When I find you, I’ll make you wish you were never born!” she howled.


“Now where’s the fun in that?” A woman’s voice cooed from behind her. Felicia spun around on the spot, and was faced with two women. One, she recognized as the Avenger known as the Scarlet Witch. The other wore emerald green clothing.


“Who are-?” Felicia began to shout, as the Green-clothed woman raised a hand, and Black Cat was surrounded in emerald light.


“Amora is my servant,” The Scarlet Witch replied calmly. “Just like you are about to be, Felicia,” she continued as a wry smile crossed herface.


“Like hell!” Felicia spat, “I have the-!”


“Mind Stone, I know,” The Scarlet Witch replied with a sigh.“You got to it before I did. But,” she continued, “you’re still learning how to use it. Amora here can block your telepathy. For now, at least.”


“And then, I’ll kill you,” Felicia snapped.


“Quite the opposite,” The Scarlet Witch said plainly. “See, I already have the powers of the Soul Gem. So, you will become like Amora. But first, I thought you should see this,” she continued as she produced one of the Gems that had been dropped. The Red Power Gem, to be precise. Felicia’s eyeswent wide. It was widely known in the Superhero community that the Scarlet Witch was one of the most dangerous people on the planet.  And considering how the Power Gem amplified abilities to the thousandth degree…


“Down the hatch,” The Scarlet Witch said with asmile, as she popped the ruby red Gem in between her lips, and swallowed it whole. Almost instantly, she began to glow with new power at her disposal. And Felica’s last free thought was of just how thoroughly fucked she, and the rest of the world was at that moment.    

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