
Someone has trouble at school

by gothamalleyviper
Storyline Evil Mother, Whicked Duaghters
Characters Absolutely Everyone
Category Corruption Mind Control
Previous Chapter Morning at Cheetah's

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Main Hall, Emma Frost’s Finishing School for Gifted Young Ladies

Charlie and her friend giggled as they went down the hall they loved being at the top of the pecking order here in the middle school, and they knew that next year they would be near the top of the pecking order when they went into the Massachusetts Academy proper as freshmen.  The pink haired mutant loved her BFF and spent all the time she could with her. 

“Miss Frost and Miss Lensherr,” Miss Graves said as she walked up on the Princesses, “Shouldn’t you be in class?  I know who your father is Magnetto Megan Lensherr, but you still have to attend classes!  Same goes for you Miss Frost!  You will not be graduating if you spend class time skipping down the hallways!”

"Shouldn't you and Luthor be married before having a kid?" Charlie asked with a cruel smile!


Cafeteria, Massachusetts Academy

Babs and Donna sat at a table together.  Donna wasn’t the same as Dick but she still went along with Nature Show commentaries. 

“Here the Female Panther approaches her potential mate and tries to display the proper mating signals,” Barbara whispered in a fake British accent.

“Only to have her mating displays ignored in favor of the males,” Donna mocked her sister’s not so subtle sapphiric endeavors.

“Oh she is going to kill us,” Babs smiled at Donna.

“Tigra is having plenty of success attracting boys,” Donna noted.

“Speaking of which,” Babs changed the conversation, “This morning you woke up and she was there?”

“Yep, second bed in the room,” Donna said calmly, “mattress and sheets torn to shreds and her curled up in a ball in my bed.”

“And in your head you remember her no problem,” Babs asked.

“Every Christmas, birthday, rainy movie night, even before she turned into a hybrid,” Donna said.

“But a part of you knows that she wasn’t your sister yesterday,” Babs finished the unspoken thought.

“Hay girls,” Tigra said as she put down her tray of double portions of Fish Tacos, “Diana is really trying to chap stick lez out isn’t she?”

“Been doing a commentaries of it,” Babs said.

“Without Dick?” Tigra asked, “I never thought you would without him.”



Dick was fighting a rather nasty thrall of the Cockoos, it called it’s self the Thing.  And the rocky orange ogre was going for a one hit knock out.  Dick’s speed and grace moved him out of the way each and every time.  Sudenly it stopped.

“Time to take a hike,” a boy said from the doorway.

Dick tried to look around the distracted Thing, but that wasn’t needed since the teenager was in between them in an instant.

“Tell your puppet mistresses that we are conducting business,” Quicksilver told the other.

“Now,” A girl called from behind them.

The Thing turned and walked away.  The Brotherhood Mutants waited for him to leave before talking more.

“So Dickie,” Quicksilver started, “does your dick still work or has it turned into a cunt from hanging out with so much pussy?”

“One of the advantages of being in the center of the kittens, there is no end to the chick I can fuck,” Dick smiled, “Is that why you hand out in the Brotherhood?  So you can find a nice stud to fuck you in the ass?”

“Out!  I want to talk to him alone,” the girl snapped before Quicksilver could act.

The girl walked up.  Dick let his Bat training go throw the new memories; Maximov, Wanda Alias Scarlet Witch, daughter of Erik Lensherr heir apparent to the Brotherhood of Mutants and leader of the schools Brotherhood contingent.  But more memories came to her, betrayed her father and joined Avengers, married an android, widowed, reported killed at the battle of Oslo Maine with Raven and Iceman.  He didn’t know where that last bit of information came from.  But it might be useful.

“Look I need either Red Paw or Catgirl for a job,” Wanda said bluntly.

“Why don’t you use your mutants?” Dick asked.

“The ones that might be able to do what I need are either collared or unable to keep quite,” Wanda said, “Frankly you and Babs are the only ones I can trust.  You two operate on the principle of being invisible, the Amazons are sledge hammers, and the others can’t handle it without leaving traces.”

“What do you want?” Dick asked.

“The codes to Night crawler’s collar.  Get that from Frost’s office and we make it worth your while.”

“NightCrawler?” Dick racked his head.

“Kurt Darkholme, Ann-Marie and M’gann’s brother.  The blue demon looking kid Mystique had?”

“What could you give me?” Dick asked.

“How about the Cuckoos getting shut down.  Forever.”

“Right, why would I get involved with that can of worms,” Dick countered.

“For now just talk to Babs about it,” Wanda went to leave, “And no one else ok?”


Front entrance

Dick and Babs sat on the steps waiting for Cassie and Felicia to finish class while Dona, Greer and Diana were still in detention.  They talked to each other quietly.

“So Wanda wants us to help shut down the puppet mistresses?” Babs asked.

“Yeah,” Dick said looking at the entrance to the Finishing school.

“Do the collars mean anything to you?” Babs asked, “I’m drawing a blank at the moment.”

“I think they nix the mutant’s power,” Dick searched his head, “yeah.  Still do we want to get involved with that level of shit?”

“Dick is that Stephanie?” Babs asked.

Dick trained his eyes on the girl Babs was looking.

“Yes that is, and that is Cassie next to her,” Dick said, “Is that Harley Quinn picking them up?”

“Yes that is, and that would be Poison Ivy holding Harley’s hand,” Babs noted.

“Looks like the Femslash on the Gotham nightlife fan-pages are vindicated,” Dick said, “Wait the black haired tranny making a B line for Poison Ivy, is that?”

“I think that is,” Bab said.

“Aww man,” Dick muttered, “What did they do to you Tim?”

Across the street Poison Ivy scooped up the junior transvestite and kiss her on the cheek.

“So that leaves Jason MIA,” Babs did the mental math.


Frost home

Jean sat watching the afternoon news, Laura and Charlie were playing with Pixie in another room and the Cuckoos were brooding upstairs about the friendliness that the Kittens and Brotherhood were showing each other while in opposition to them.  Jean sat with Kitty and Racheal.

“Jean do you ever get the feeling something is missing?” Kitty asked.

“Yeah,” Jean breathed, “I don’t have any Cranberry Juice.”

“I’m being serious,” Kitty said.

“So am I,” Jean looked at her younger sister.

“Fine,” Kitty said before she left.

Racheal and Jean waited for Kitty to leave then looked at each other.

“It seems that Kitty is showing signs of the psychosis that Mom warned us to look for,” Racheal said coldly.

“I can’t wait to toss her into that mind bake oven in the basement,” Jean sneered, “That way we can get her back to her heartless and lock stepped self.”

Both stopped talking as Kitty came into the room.

“Here,” Kitty handed her older sister the drink, “Here is your Cranberry Juice, just like Mom makes it.”

“Thanks Kitty,” Jean leaned forward and ruffled Kitty’s hair, “you are a good girl.”

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