
Mephisto's revenge

by CorruptionCentral
Storyline Susan Storm's Secret Life
Previous Chapter Follow Kingpin and Suzy getting wild in his office

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Mephisto scowled as his anger festered.  This upstart, half human, 'Hell Lord' had hurt the mighty demon and for this he must pay.  To be certain, it wasn't that much power he took, nor would it take long to recover equal power, at least not with as fast as his latest convert was working. Still Hellstrom had caused Mephisto great pain.  Tearing that piece of the Seed of Sin away from the Lord of Lies was similar in effect as pulling all the teeth of a human with rusty pliers and it would be a while before the demon could use his full power without significant pain, but he could neither let this pass nor wait for a full recovery.

The Hell Lords' snarl turned to a wicked smile as his minions brought forward the items he sent for.  Over the millennia Mephisto had, though both barter and battle, acquired many prizes.  To most, they seemed like an odd collection of mystic objects of questionable value, especially for a demon; little more than metaphysical knickknacks.  But when it came to scheming, Mephisto had no equal.  In one hand he held one of Eros's golden arrows.  In the other a flask of the Enchantress's finest Asguardian love potion.  Between his legs, one of his loyal succubi ardently toiled to bring about the final ingredient of his demonic spell.  As Lustae, his favorite whore, smiled up at her master as he called upon his power and lore to bind the objects. Between the exertion of Lustae's blow job and the power he put into the spell, Mephisto's wicked head swam with pain and fatigue, but the Lord of Lies would not stop until the deed was done.  Soon, his slut pulled his long hard dick out of her delightfully wicked mouth and jerked her master off with abandon. As his spell completed, his Dark Seed shot out on to the objects in his hand and a great fireball encompassed them.

As Mephisto sagged back into his thrown, his head pounded like Hephaestus's anvil itself but his evil lips curled into a wide, sharp toothed smile as he regarded his creation... The Bolt of Darkness. Unlike Eros's amorous tool, this arrow was a crimson so dark it was nearly black and had many fierce irregular serrated edges. Instead of vanes of purist cherub feathers, the nasty weapon had  vanes made of the leather of demon wings. The Hell Lord chuckled as he examined the arrow with evil appreciation.

Of course, many of Mephisto's demons had dark desires of their own.  It was obvious that the Hell Lord was in pain and after that expenditure of power, they would never have a chance like this.  A dozen of the strongest surged forward to pursue their personal quests for power. Much to their surprise, the Hell Lord still had reserves they could not have suspected.  Mephisto grew to 10 times his normal size and roared with animalistic rage.  All but two of the creatures continued forward on the hope that this was more of a hollow display than their Master could back up, but it soon found their hopes to be false.  Spurred by pain and rage, the Hell Lord made short work of the powerful soldier demons and drained their essences into the arrow for good measure. The horror of seeing the strongest among them not only slaughtered but their very souls destroyed cowed every soul in his realm.  As the Hell approached the remaining two rebels, he gloated "Oh yes, this tool will do quite nicely." With a casual motion he scratched the rebel's ever so slightly with the projectile head and watched as the magic took effect.  Instantly the proud and powerful Hellspawn dropped to their knees in abject devotion to their now beloved lord and master to profess their heartfelt undying loyalty.  Mephisto laughed deeply as he crowed "Oh yes! It will do indeed!"

Lustae sprung to her feet as she reached for her Lord.  She knew that the last exertion had drained him badly but with a thought the Hell Lord warned her not to imply any weakness on his part.  With confidence, he placed the Bolt of Darkness into her eager hands and commanded "I have a mission for your boy toy, my devoted Lustae." As his two new devotees took position on either side of him, Mephisto sat majestically on his hell thrown and roared "Its only fair I take something dear from young Damian as payment for what he stole from me.  Take wing, fair Lustae.  Its time Mephisto took a consort!"


As he had for the last couple days, Johnny Storm took another evening patrol of the Big Apple. In that time he had broken up a few gang related dust ups and scared the living daylights out of at least two sets of robbers, but that wasn't what brought him out this evening.  The very structure of his world was a jumbled mess.  His best friend was now a fugitive suspected terrorist.  While his brother in law was under house arrest, the Winsome Wasp and Sensational She Hulk were running the Fantastic Four.  Speaking of Reed, the scientist had never seemed happier as he alternated between taking care of the kids and being Jan and Jennifer's loyal tech support and assistant. How could he be so happy knowing his devoted wife was forced to live with the Kingpin while the courts decide if she really has to go through the perverted debauchery she signed up for while under Mephisto's power? 

To he hero's embarrassment, he was reminded of the real reason he needed to clear his head so often as his dick immediately surged to full erection at the first thought of his hot, sexy sister.  She was by far the most irresistibly erotic bitch ever born and he couldn't help himself anymore.

As the hero tried yet again in another futile attempt to get his hormones in control by reciting the batting averages of the 1994 Yankees, another voice cooed in his ear.  His personal demonic temptress was back and, even if he thought it was all in his imagination, a part of him couldn't have been more delighted at her return.  Lustae cooed "It's all good, my sexy boy.  No need to worry.  It's probably just lingering effects of travel to Mephisto's realm.  But I know what you have to do.  Go to Strange's  Sanctum Sanctorum. There you will find Patsy Walker, the Defender known as Hellcat." Johnny smiled for the first time in over a day as he turned toward Greenwich Village and his devilish adviser continued to feed her toy instructions.


Kyle Richmond had always been impress with his training partner's abilities and determination.  She was a gifted fighter and always striving for greater accomplishment. With the good Doctor spending so much time devinate the sources of the mystic energies growing within the Big Apple, it left plenty of time for practice.  After losing the second of four falls to the feline heroine, he was almost relieved as the heroes were interrupted by Wong. The house servant addressed the combatants "Please excuse the interruption. Ms Hellcat, you have a visitor."

Patsy Walker turned to the door to see a rather subdued Johnny Storm standing nervously behind Wong.  Thanks to her contact with Hellstrom and Mephisto, the heroine could see the taint of Mephisto's dark kingdom on the young man, but that was no surprise after the story Strange had shared. Johnny looked up at Patsy with pleading eyes and said "I'm sorry.  I know that we have barely talked before, but... I really don't know who else to turn to."

Hellcat knew that look. She had seen it in the mirror many times after her first encounter with Mephisto. She gave the fiery hero an understanding smile as she replied "No need to apologize Johnny.  Give me a change to change and we can talk over a cup of coffee.  There is a great little café a couple blocks from here.

It wasn't long before the heroes left the Defender's mystic headquarters and headed down the street.  Demonic eyes kept a patient vigil as they strode off the protection of Doctor Strange's property.  Lustae took careful aim at the heroine and smiled evilly as she let th curse bolt fly.

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