
...Evil-Lyn feels her mind slowly becoming Siren, and tries to counter.

by C.King
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Category Television Ring of Truth
Previous Chapter Evil-Lyn: The ring reclaimed

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 Evil-Lyn was not stupid, with the threats of Skeletor or another force of powerful evil affecting her mind, she made magics to resist those kind of magic. This small protection, mixed by being the wearer of the ring, gave her the seconds she needed to know what mistake she had made. Which she spoke, "I retain the mind and powers of Evil-Lyn, Mistress of Dark Magics."

 She felt relief as she could feel her mind being restored as she had previous felt it slipping and fading away because of the ring. Now she was back, even as she knew the new persona of Siren. Her thoughts, her emotions, her dreams and desires. It was almost like a second mind with in her transmutated body, as well as all of her mystical might and power. She also knew she was the dominate mind of the two, in full control of the body as Siren seemed to not be aware of anything, including Evil-Lyn's presence.

 'Now how to get Siren into the company of the Masters, to gain their thanks... of course. I shall rescue that weak, spoiled Prince Adam. Gaining a place on the Masters and debt from the Royal Family. Perhaps even becoming his bodyguard and replacing the wench Teela. Of course, Prince Adam is attractive in his own way, and if something happened to his parents which could not be trace back to anyone, he would become King. His bride would become Queen of all of Eternia. So many targets with one strike. Now how to 'rescue' Prince Adam from danger?' thought Siren/Evil-Lyn, as she plotted on how to continue with her new plans.

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