
She collapses

by 80sRich
Storyline Zatanna: Demonic Collar
Characters Zatanna
Previous Chapter Zatanna tries a spell

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Zatana felt really really scared, for the first time in her adult life she couldn't rely on her magic to get her out of this. She felt her arms collapse, she was still weak from the throttling her collar had given her. She landed face first into the hay that had made her part of the dungeon dry.

"Why did I have to buy this damn collar," she said realising that she had only herself to blame for this. She had bought the collar off the shelf and brought it into her own home. She had probably fallen victim to an ancient trap. Maybe the person who set the trap, who'd created the collar and it's spells wasn't even alive anymore. Zatanna realised it was entirely possible that she was trapped waiting in this dungeon for a man or a woman who had been dead centuries. Who knew how long the collar had been sitting on the shelf.

Zatanna forced herself upright, self pity wasn't going to help her. She had to think, there would have to be a way out of this collar. She knew that should couldn't force it open, and she knew that she couldn't use a spell as it would chock her once more unconscious.

So should couldn't break the collar, but perhaps she could break the chain leashing her to the wall, if she managed that then she would be able to explore wherever she was and she might be able to find a way out of the collar. After all the collar didn't seem to object to her using physical force, it just seemed to respond when she used magic.. 

The only problem was that she'd relied on her magic for so many years she hadn't felt the need to go to the gym in a long time so breaking this chain could well be harder than she hoped.

Gritting her teeth, she wrapped her gloved hands around the chain. She pressed her high heeled feet against the wall and tried to pull the chain. She heaved a couple of times, but her feet were just slidding forward in her high heels and her gloves were just slipping on the chain.

Reluctantly, but knowing that she had no choice she removed the gloves and then her high heels. She placed her heels against the wall where they wouldn't get dirty and balled up her gloves and put them inside the heels.

Zatanna then pressed her feet back against the wall, this time wincing as her feet sunk into the ancient slime that coated the walls. Grimacing against the unpleasant sensation on her stockinged feet she grabbed hold of the chain and pulled as hard as she could

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