
[Paragon Option] Stick up for Aria

by Fanfic Fetishist
Storyline Starts
Characters Commander Shepard
Category Harem Mass Effect
Previous Chapter Joker Moreau's Holiday Leave

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“That's right,” Joker said, smirking. “I get to fuck with Aria.”

Aria and Nyreen both glared at him.

“Where you going with this, Jeff?” Shepard asked, frowning. The other women at the table looked worried as well. EDI cautiously watched Aria, ready to reach for a weapon if the asari snapped...

Joker held up a hand, still smiling, silencing the others. “I get to fuck with Aria,” he said, his expression turning into a scowl, “but NO ONE ELSE DOES.”

Everyone stared at Joker in surprise.

Joker glared at the Batarian. “What happened here just now? Special circumstances, probably won't be repeated. I intend to enjoy it, obviously, but I'm not about to let her be disgraced in her OWN DAMN BASE. She runs this place and is more than capable of running over you like a frigate, and has an army of loyal lunatics who'd genocide their own species for her. She's kept the biggest band of crazies this side of the COLLECTERS in line for years, and maintained her authority even through that Cerberus attack on Omega.” He raised his drink glass in toast to Commander Shepard, acknowledging her part in saving Omega. “On top of that, she's agreed to help out against the Reapers, so I'm definitely gonna stick up for her before I stick it in her. So if I were you, asshole, I'd get the fuck out of here. And don't be spreading naughty rumors, either, unless you want to be reduced to a smear in under a minute.”

Nyreen and Aria just stared at him, a mix of relief, confusion, and gratitude on their faces.

Jack snickered, shaking her head. “Well, you heard the man,” the superpowerful biotic said. “Beat it or get beat.”

The Batarian, who had been visibly sweating when Joker started in on his reminder of Aria's power and authority, nodded and ran for it.

Aria managed a smirk after a moment. “Thanks for sticking up for me... That guy's new, doesn't know his place yet...” she said in an uncharacteristically soft voice. “I owe you one.”

Joker grinned, poking her chest. “I'll think of some way for you to repay me,” he said.

“That's right,” Miranda muttered. “We're Joker's sex slaves for a month now...”

“Finally you get to put that oversized ass you've always had to good use,” Jack teased.

Kasumi giggled, the ninja girl watching the two of them. Miranda and Jack frowned. “What's so funny?” they chorused.

Kasumi snickered. “I just realized... I told you two back at the Citadel party that you should just kiss and make out... Now with this... Joker can actually make you do it!”

Jack and Miranda both paled, glaring each other.

Tali shook her head. “Keelah selai...” she muttered. “Could this get any sillier?”

Samara smirked at her. “You do realize, now, that because you said that, things will?”

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