
Captain America transforms into his own version of Mr. Hyde

by Troglodyte
Storyline Strange effects of the Mr. Hyde formula
Characters Captain America
Category Marvel Transformation Body Modification Corruption
Previous Chapter Cap throws his shield and the vial flies away

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Captain America bite down on his lip and fought back a scream. His entire body felt like it was on fire. The pain was more intense than anything he had ever experienced in his life. It was worse than the time he took the Super Soldier Serum and grew from a ninety pound weakling to the World's greatest fighting machine. As he watched he could actually see his skin start to shift. Before his horrified eyes he could see his muscles start to swell. Within minutes he grew to a height of over seven feet and a weight of over five hundred pounds.

Across the room he saw a terrified Mister Hyde. With a single leap he crossed the room and grasped the now-smaller man by the throat. Cutting off his air, he throttled the villain until he passed out. Then he dropped him to the ground.

How easy it would be to kill him, Captain America thought. The idea pleased him to no end. But what a waste it would be of his great power. He suddenly realized that the entire experience had left him with a throbbing boner. The desire to maim had left him. What he really need now was a woman.

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