
Fry makes a lucky find...

by C.King
Storyline Comics and Beyond
Category Television
Previous Chapter Futurama

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 Philip J. Fry was an ordinary 20th century slacker who had been cryogenically frozen and revived in the 31st century. Which ironically he was more suited to then his century. He worked for many times great nephew, Professor Farnsworth with a sexy cyclops mutant, a criminal-minded robot, an alien lobsterman doctor and others as well. Where he had become a delivery boy, which while lame in the 20th century was much cooler in the 31st century as you had spaceships and aliens and adventures and stuff.

 Fry had a huge crush on his co-worker, Leela the mutant cyclops, which was why with his limited income, he was cruising Central Park in New New York for keep flowers he could swipe (Bender's idea).  Fry then came to discover a clover patch, much like the one in his youth.

 "I remember when I was a kid and found my lucky seven leaf clover. It made me successful in everything I did from Break dancing to be sick all year for my science project... which didn't win, but I didn't have the clover that day.

 Plus when my brother Yancy found it and gave it to his son, Philip J. Fry, it allowed Phil to be the first man on Mars. He also struck oil in the mansion he won in a lottery, had a band with a bunch of hits and dated supermodels.

 If I can find a seven leaf clover, I could get Leela to love me, plus anything else I want!" Fry said to himself as he searched the clover patch for a clover to bring him luck!

 What he found in the clover patch was...

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