
Waiter, Check Please! I have war crimes to commit!

by gothamalleyviper
Storyline The Slow Merging
Characters Red Skull
Previous Chapter I am a NAZI war criminal, what are you in for?

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Shield Base

The Red Skull stood up and brushed himself off.  He was a man of taste even if his face was gone.

*Waiter, Check Please!* He shouted in German, *I have war crimes to commit!*

Katrina started to giggle.  The Red Skull shushed her while they waited for the guard's response.

"What do you want NAZI?" the Shield guard asked walking back into the cells.

*Waiter! My bill please, I am leaving," the Red Skull barked in German.

"What do you want?" The guard shouted back, "You aren't going anywhere until we FEDEX you to the Hague!"

Katrina tried her best to keep from laughing as the Red Skull was annoying the hell out of this ignorant American Guard.  Finally he made the mistake of reaching into the Red Skull's cell.  The Red Skull was on him in an instant, he was out cold, The Skull had the ID card and had already figured out the code.  Moving the guard around his thumb was on the scanner, the code was entered and the card was swiped.  Next the Red Skull unlocked Katrina Krieger's cell and the two made their way into the hall way.  The Red Skull recognized the all metal halls, it was a premade sea base which meant all of the parts were modular.  If one of the modules came loose then the emergency systems would take it to the surface right away and no doubt a waiting flotilla would put an end to the trouble.

*We must disconnect this section,* The Red Skull announced, *I will be intercepted at the surface by warships.*


*I know where we are,* The Red Skull imitated a smile, *I know where to go to reach safety.*


Above in New York City

Peter, MJ, Lois and Clark sat at the table as Aunt May fussed over dinner rolls...

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