
An ancient Chest arrives at the Sunnydale Museum and Giles is called in to investigate it

by colleem
Storyline Buffy: The Blood King
Previous Chapter A Chaotic Plan

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It was close to Midnight as Giles entered his Office. Someone had found an ancient Chest in an old Mine 5 miles away from the City. They had brought it to him so he could find out what it was or what it contained. The chest looked like a good old Chest out of a cheap Pirate Movie. It was made of Wood and hold together with strong Iron Bands. The Look itself seemed like nothing hard to open. Giles moved around the Chest and tried to find out who made it or if it was something that should be looked away. Inside this City the Forces of Evil sure were active but this one didn’t look like it belonged to them. Nothing seemed to be suspicious about it and even some small alchemistic Test were showing nothing important or dangerous. 

Normally Giles would be more careful with unknown Object but he was tired and had spent half of the day training Buffy in ancient Demonology. She was maybe one of the best Slayer in the History of her Kind but the modern Woman was not easy to handle. Tomorrow he would have a long talk with her so he needed the Rest of this Night to gain enough Power to survive the boring Talk about some Teenager Problems. With carful movements he used his Probe to open the old Lock until he heard a soft Click. 

As he opened the Chest he saw that it was totally empty. Somehow he was happy about it. Unnoticed by him a fine Mist flood out of the Chest and floated down to the ground. As Giles left the Building the fine Mist slowly followed him to his Home. As he laid down in his Bed he felt asleep almost instantly. While he was sleeping the ancient Ghost of the Blood King rose in front of his Bed. Summoned by an unknown Force the Power of the Blood King was back on this World. But he had been defeated. Without a Body he was not able to interact with the Realm of Mortals. The only Way to restore his Power was to drink the Blood of the Slayer. He would use this Mortal as his Host so the Revenge would be his. But this Mortal Host was weak. He hold no Power and now significant Strength. In this Host he would be no match for a Slayer. Only his Mental Powers would be manifest in this Body. His Strength, his Speed and his superior Endurance all of this were necessary to fight the Slayer. 

While Giles slept the ghostlike Body of the Blood King floated over him. With each Breath he invaded the Mind of Giles. Pressing Giles more and more in a Corner the Blood King slowly took over his Body. As Giles woke up almost nothing was left from Giles original Personality. The Blood King had access to all of his Memory. This would fool the Friends of this Mortal and would get close the Slayer and thanks to his Superhuman Mental Power he still had he would get control over the Friends of the Slayer and use them for his Revenge. Thanks to the Memory of his Host he knew that the closest Friend of the actual Slayer was a young Woman named Willow. She was also a Witch with impressive Powers. 

In his youth the Blood King had used whole Circles of Witches to increase his Power beyond everything a Vampire had archived before him. With the help of a new Witch maybe he could increase the Power he could chancel through this mortal Body. His first goal was set and half an hour later he sat in his Office with Willow in front of him. She didn’t suspect anything and thought that Giles just wanted to talk with him about some knew Spells she was working on. But the longer she heard his small talk she felt funny. She suddenly noticed how strong and beautiful Giles looked this Day. Before she knew it she was fully under his thrall and stared at him with blank eyes. Her will fully under his Control the Blood King rose from his Chair.

“You will be the first of my Servants! You shall be the first in my Harem!” he smiled

“First of your Servants Master.” Then she unbuttoned her Top and said. “First in your Harem Master.”

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