
MJ and Peter eat their cookies at about the same time...

by Anzaleth
Storyline Wicked Witch Tome
Characters Absolutely Everyone
Category Marvel Corruption
Previous Chapter Mary Jane Nibbles

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"Sorry I'm late, May," Peter said as he came in.

"Not at all, Peter," Aunt May replied. "You came in just in time."

"Oh, hey, MJ."

"Hello, Peter," MJ said as she nibbled on her cookie.

"Hiyah, Petey!" Jonni giggled as he waved his hand.

"Um, hey," Peter said. "Who're you?"

"This is Jonni," May said. "She's a--"

"I'm new in town and don't know many people," Jonni said. "May said I could, like, hang-out with you guys 'cuz you're cool."

"Oh," Peter said. "Oh, okay."

"Have a cookie, sweetie," Aunt May said, passing him one of the cookies.

"Thanks, Aunt May. They do smell good. Did you make them?"

"No, dear. A friend made them."

Jonni resisted the urge to giggle and clap his hands as Peter started to eat the cookie. This was so totally AWESOME! They were gonna become the bestest sissy buds!

* * *

"So perish all who threaten Doom!" Dr. Doom yelled as he fired a beam of energy directly at Queen Jen's chest.

The she-troll cackled. "MMmm, tickles!"

"You will perish, monster!"

"Feels kinda nice," Queen Jen continued. "Give me so more juice, honey!"

Suddenly Doom was enveloped in a torren of giant spider-silk. He found himself trussed-up, utterly helpless.

Natasha scuttled on to his chest. "Hungrrrrryyyyyy!" she cooed, her mandables stretching as drool drippled down on to his mask. "Gonna shell you like a lobster!"

"Shell all you want, but I want this bitch alive," Jen growled. "Being eating is too good for him. Gobble up some of the guards if you're hungry. I want to introduce Doom to this queen's sceptre."

Jen grinned as she fondled her huge, scaly cock.

* * *

The portal crackled open and suddenly the Ultimate Fantastic Four were there. Reed moaned. His other self looked so cute, so fucking hot.

* * *

Mary Jane finished off her cookie and licked her fingers. She felt good, really good. So full of strength and energy.

She glanced over at Peter as he nibbled his own cookie. Gawd, that boy was cute. Cute face, cute hair, cute bod, cute butt.

MJ chuckled. Such a fucking cute butt! She wanted to squeeze it like two peaches. Why didn't she notice that before?

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